Wednesday, March 14


Well... I've never had soy milk before, but out of curiosity I decided to buy a half gallon of organic soy milk. Vanilla.

Sounds delicious, right? Smells delicious too.

 With my eggs this morning I decided to have a cup of soy milk. The taste wasn't what I expected it to be.  I guess I was expecting a consistency a little thicker. There isn't an aftertaste, so that's a plus. My taste buds are just continuously let down because the taste isn't anything what it smells like.

Now I'm sitting here... writing a blog post of this liquid sitting in front of me.

Trust, it will be drunk. I was raised to not waste anything.

Sunday, March 11


Okay. Apparantly I'm pretty terrible at blogging. This was kind of an experiment, but it's not working so well. How do people blog every day? I just dont have time!!!!